Custom artworks are made to your choice of THEME, COLOUR PALETTE, SIZE, STYLE, and the most important, THE STORY BEHIND.

Commissioned pieces can be digital collages, hand-sewed fabric collages, analog collages, and pretty much anything you can think of.

KALEIDOSCOPE DELIGHTS (2024) is a collage project I created for Netflix’s new office building.

Inspired by The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch, this piece reimagines Netflix’s universe. The artwork weaves together over 30 TV and film productions, iconic locations, and much-loved characters. Beyond that, every element is connected visually, narratively, and philosophically, through layers of symbolism and meaning. Each detail, whether standing alone or as part of a whole, holds a deeper significance.

Red pays tribute to the Netflix logo, while gold brings a rebellious, celebratory spirit - perfectly suited to a space designed for dazzling gatherings.

KALEIDOSCOPE DELIGHTS (2024) es un proyecto de collage que he creado para la nueva oficina de Netflix.

Inspirada en El jardín de las delicias de Hieronymus Bosch, esta obra reimagina el universo de Netflix. La composición reúne más de 30 producciones de cine y televisión, ubicaciones icónicas y personajes emblemáticos. Más allá de cumplir con el encargo, cada elemento está conectado visual, narrativa y filosóficamente, a través de capas de simbolismo y significado. Cada detalle, ya sea individual o parte de un conjunto, encierra una profundidad especial.

El rojo rinde homenaje al logotipo de Netflix, mientras que el dorado aporta un espíritu rebelde y festivo, ideal para un espacio concebido para grandes celebraciones.

Start your unique piece.

    Commissions come with a contract signed by both parties specifying every aspect of your custom artwork as well as processes, timeframes, shipping information, etc.